Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 7 Readings
This article discusses some of the real issues educators face when trying to incorporate technology in the classroom. Most teachers refuse to realize that our students are using more and more multimedia tools everyday, yet we as educators hinder their growth when we limit their access to sources that could enhance their learning, but the use of technology does not allow students to so call "learn" what they need for standardized testing. So it is no wonder many schools are teaching to the test rather than allowing for authentic learning situations. We need to prepare for a future that is rich with new age technology to keep up with the ever-evolving changes in multimedia resources. In the article states that, “research clearly indicates that the single most important factor in the effective use of technology is the quality of the teacher knowledge of effective technology uses in instruction.”
The authors of this article have examined research to determine which teaching strategies have positive effects on student learning. This site provides ideas for using technology in all areas of curriculum. It also offered many different sites and software programs that could be used to incorporate technology into the classroom, such KidPix, Inspiration, The Graph Club, and many more. I have also used Voice Thread this year and have been very successful.

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